Roger patterson leroy blevins

Roger Patterson/Bob Gimlin Bigfootage.
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USA, Patriotic and Political Gifts: Home:.Patterson Bigfoot - World News
Roger Patterson is seen riding his horse up the bed of Bluff creek. Is Bob Gimlin filming him? Listen here to what Bob Gimlin has to say about his use of
Common surnames for Roger: Roger Aaenson Roger Aagaard Roger Aaker Roger Aakre Roger Aalbregtse Roger Aalders Roger Aalto Roger Aalund Roger Aamodt Roger Aamold
M.K.Davis asks Who filmed Roger.
I tried to get rid of most of the green hue in the PGF. Includes some MK Davis Enhancement footage also.
Roger Patterson Bigfoot Footage, BIGFOOT: A closer look at the Patterson/Gimlin footage., Patterson Bigfoot video was a fake - Part I, Patterson gimlin bigfoot Gait