Will clomid make period worse

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Taking clomid...no period but not.
I am 28 years old and have had an irregular cycle since I was 10. BC is the only thing that keeps me regular. I've been off BC 1 yr July 05. Have had a total of maybe
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My clomid Success Story. After 4 miscarriages in 12 months. 1st cycle on clomid 50mg - failed to ovulate. 2nd cycle of Clomid up to 100mg day 2 to 6.
Another Word for Worse
Will clomid make period worse
Will clomid make period worse
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HI sorry to take up space but i just have one question does Clomid affect the length of your cycle? because i noticed that after i start my Clomid, my period seem
Hi ladies I had my first appointment today with the fertility specialist and he has given me provera to bring on a period and then I have to begin clomid 50mg on days
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